Saturday 12 March 2011

The King of Limbs

At long last! Radiohead are back with another delectable song for us to devour. Having heard little from the talented quintuple since their 2007 release of In Rainbows, the24-hour early release of debut album The King of Limbs was a pleasant surprise. The album is reminiscent of their prior album - In Rainbows- and has the unmistakable Radiohead imprint which makes for a familiar, but accomplished listen.
Their debut song, Lotus Flower, oozes lead singer Thom Yorke’s brilliance. The inspired combination of minimal beats, soft claps, and Yorke’s whirring voice, make for a great comeback song. A little further into the album, and I can honestly say I have few complaints. Morning Mr Magpie is an upbeat number; merging flickering guitar, simple percussion and that voice. Then there's Codex - an absolute favourite of mine – which merges sombre piano and hallucinogenic moans.
Although a mixed response from fellow Radiohead enthusiasts- for me, this album works because Yorke and the band, have stuck to what they know… and why not? They do it so well.

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